In the vast landscape of mission work, there are moments when a vision emerges that ignites hearts and transforms communities. With hearts pulsating with compassion and a vision for the Gospel to reach beyond borders, the church embarks on a journey to plant a hub in the serene province of Zambales, Philippines.

Zambales, a province nestled in the western part of Luzon island in the Philippines, is renowned for its stunning coastline adorned with picturesque beaches and rugged mountains.

It also holds strategic significance, being centrally located amidst the churches that God has established thus far in Grace City. It’s in this landscape of potential that the church envisions a hub–cultivating a Christ-centered community with a foundation of faith.

This aspiring initiative is not just about constructing a physical structure but sowing seeds of hope, faith, and love in a region ripe for spiritual growth.

The vision emerged in a time when hope seemed elusive–amid the peak of the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic.

Confronted with life’s fragility, we’re compelled to ponder the generations ahead. If our lives were cut short, what legacy would we impart to them? What inheritance would we leave for them? How can we ensure that the vision entrusted to the church by God endures for years to come?

Indeed, vision often arises from adversity. God blessed us with a vision to acquire land in each location where we plan to establish churches, thus the inception of the Legacy Project. It stands as a legacy—an inheritance we aspire to pass on to future generations, propelling the advancement of God’s Kingdom throughout the Philippines and to the regions beyond.

And God’s faithfulness prevailed! A year later, an opportunity arose for us to acquire land in Zambales. Our team ventured forth to survey the land. We purchased a land area of 1,226 square meters, placing even greater trust in God for its payment.

The church came to recognize that constructing a church hub is a significant undertaking, particularly amid the challenges posed by the pandemic. However, our faith in God has reassured us, enabling us to envision its fulfillment and witnessing His provision for the church in numerous ways.

Gradually, through generous giving and committed pledges, this vision is turning into reality. Fast forward to 2024, we stand in awe of how God has orchestrated events as we approach the fulfillment of the land purchase, slated for July 2024.

Below is the proposed perspective of the church training hub:

At the heart of this vision is a profound belief in the transformative power of God.

The church’s vision for a hub in Zambales is not just a building project; it’s a testament to the power of faith and collective action in realizing a significant mission. It’s about planting seeds of hope and watching them grow into a flourishing garden of opportunity and transformation.

Will you be a part of this great commission?

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey. Together, let’s sow the seeds of hope and witness the transformative power of God’s love in Zambales.

Let the planting begin!

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