Umber’s Testimony
It all started when I attended a Church way back on January 22, 2017, from being a drug addict, self-centered man, chain-smoker, troublemaker, drunkard, party-goer, and lustful man to a churchgoer, drummer, and now a missionary.
For two years, I served in Grace City Lagro (Main Church) and a year in Grace City Caloocan. I’ve seen a lot of people in the church who were passionate about making disciples of Christ—training people and reaching out for the lost. They prayed constantly, served at every opportunity, spent their time, resources, energy, and effort for the people God placed in their hearts and started claiming cities and visiting places.
Unknowing of the impact it would give on my life, the church influenced me to do the same. They prayed for me, taught me how to apply God’s Word in my life—reading and understanding the Bible with humility and love to God. The Church taught me how to lead people; to love and care for them, and finally embrace the calling God has given me.
Then came a time when I received a Word from Hebrews 11:8-10.
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9 By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
Hebrews 11:8-10 NIV
Upon reading this, I felt God spoke strongly to me to go to the land of Tarlac by faith to preach His goodness and His salvation to other people.
Grace City Caloocan then released me in January 2021 and sent me to Tarlac City. I left my job, family, and friends in Manila. Leaving my comfort zone was a bit scary and quite challenging at first, but by the Grace of God and with the help of His Holy Spirit I was able to adjust and easily ministered to the youth and teens here in Tarlac.
I am preaching God’s Word every Sunday and continuously undergo training and equipping under the leadership of our Pastor Kim Jugo—helping to establish the Church here in Tarlac.
Truly, obedience is better than sacrifice. We don’t know where, when and what will happen when God calls us, but I believe that when God calls a person it is for a greater purpose; bigger than the life we have now. All we need is to submit to His Lordship and surrender everything and enjoy the gift of His Salvation.